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Thyme For Health
Clairvoyant Readings > Long Distance Relationship Healings (done via email)
Long Distance Relationship Healings (done via email)
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Price: $125.00
Availability: in stock

Session Description: If you are in a relationship and things don't seem to be going the way you think they should check in with the issue at hand so you can figure out the best way to handle things. In this reading I look at what both parties are learning and working on healing, which is negatively impacting the relationship. It is about what you are both experiencing individually and how that is creating issues with being together. I will also do some energetic clearing work around this issues so blocks to communication and the ability to take action to create the life you want do not continue to get in the way. When ordering this reading I will need to know your name, the name of the person you would like me to look at and their relationship to you (for example, husband, mother, son, daughter, friend, etc.). The relationship healing is designed to be between you and one other person. This information can be inserted in the comment box in the shopping cart when checking out. This is not a phone reading. The information on what has occurred in the session will be emailed to you once the reading is done.

Readings are usually done within the week they are received, but can take longer depending on volume of requests.

When checking out choose no shipping charge option provided and give security code to credit card used in message box.
